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Diversity Essay Writing Contest

Deadline: 8 October 2010

The Abbotsford-Mission Times is presenting the Building an Inclusive, Diverse Community essay contest for the second straight year.

When we speak about diversity, for the most part we are still getting to know one another. Our social environment is constantly changing and our diverse relationships are continuing to grow and flourish.

The Times is opening this contest to everyone as part of our new addition. We are hosting two categories: youth and adult. For youth, participants have to be under 16 years of age.

The adult category is open to everyone over 16 years. It is going to be a wonderful exercise to blend everyone's thoughts from our different age brackets into one contest.

There will be three winners in each category and an honorable mention.

All essays must be 300 words or less and e-mailed to me at or dropped off at the Times office (30887 Peardonville Rd., Abbotsford). Include your name, category and contact information.

This year's diversity question is: How do we create an opportunity for different cultures to work together towards a harmonized, inclusive, multicultural community?

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Diversity Essay Writing Contest + writing contests