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Call for Poetry: Women Artists' Datebook (people of color encouraged to submit, pays $125)

Deadline: 15 January 2011

We are seeking art that complements that challenges the powers that be...that informs and educates... celebrating our efforts to change the world. Submissions from people of color and from artists not living in the USA encouraged. Unfamiliar with our work? Visit or get our catalog.


Art, poetry and quotes by women. Deadline: Jan. 15 for following year’s datebook. Previously unpublished work preferred, but not necessary

ARTWORK: Vertical format 4 3/4” x 7”, spiral bound. A brief description of artwork context is welcome. Cover artwork: $300 (+$100 if also used inside), plus 8 datebooks.

Inside artwork: $125/image, plus 4 datebooks.

POETRY: 8 poems may be submitted, 30-line maximum per poem with name and address on each page. $125 plus 4 datebooks.

DATEBOOK ARTISTS & POETS may purchase additional datebooks at a 40% discount; 15 or more at 50%.

Send to:

Art Dept., Syracuse Cultural Workers,
PO.Box 6367, Syracuse, NY 13217

africa literature, call for submissions, international literature, poetry, and more:

Call for Poetry: Women Artists' Datebook (people of color encouraged to submit, pays $125) + usa literature