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Essay Contest for Children of African Descent

(Note: these are general guidelines, and we will post updates and deadlines for the current competition when available.)

The annual Essay Contest for Children of African Descent supports and encourages children of African descent in their educational development and demonstrates that children of African descent are very capable of writing good essays. The contest supports and encourages them to further their educational development.

  • Boost self-esteem.
  • Focus attention on education.
  • Improve communication skills.
  • Encourage a sense of accomplishment.
  • Offer opportunities for personal growth and self-expression.
  • Offer peer activity in a positive, supportive environment.
  • Recognize and celebrate success within the community.
  • Be a gateway to public speaking experience (winners).
  • Encourage critical thinking.

The contest is open to children of African descent in the following age groups: 8-10 years, 11-13 years and 14-16 years. Children of African-Caribbean descent are encouraged, through a responsible adult, to register their interest in participating in this contest. They then have 10 weeks to produce their essay and submit it again through a responsible adult before the deadline.

All participants will receive constructive feedback from the Judges. Winners across all three age groups are announced at the Awards Ceremony at a university in London at which winners present their essay. Prizes are awarded to essayists. Additionally, some Judges may choose to offer prizes to essayists for any reason!

Prizes are entirely provided by the African Diaspora to encourage and support children of African descent in their educational development.

africa literature, essay, international literature, and more:

Essay Contest for Children of African Descent + writing contests