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€4,000 Casa Africa Essay Competition on Culture and Environmental Development

This was posted on and last January 31, 2011:

The Classic Association of South Africa (Casa Africa) has for the third consecutive time organised an essay competition on African issues aimed at encouraging and disseminating a multi-faceted and dynamic view on the African continent.

The essays will be based on two topics: Culture as a Factor of Development in Africa and Environmental Sustainability and Development in Africa. Participants will be required to choose one topic.

Participants who choose the subject "Factor of Development in Africa" can reflect on the need to incorporate culture as a strategic element in national and international development and corporation as well as cohesion in the roles of cultural diversity, integration of minority communities, the process of gender equality and the problems of marginalised urban and rural communities.

In reference to the topic on environmental sustainability and development, this has been an important issue on the agendas of development co-operation and one of the objectives of Plan Africa 2009-2012.

The prize money for the competition will be 4 000 Euros (US$5 445) for each selected essay. The Jury will make a unanimous decision upon evaluating the quality and relevance of the papers and their contribution towards improving knowledge of each of these subject matters.

Work must be typed and submitted electronically and the winning entry as well as the runner-up will receive a cash prize.

The press release though has not indicated specific guidelines as to where to send essay entries and the deadline for submissions. The Casa Africa website can be accessed here. Their 2010 essay competition has apparently closed just recently (December 7, 2010 - see announcement here). This newly announced €4,000 essay competition may be different though and we are waiting for the guidelines to be posted on the Casa Africa site.

At any rate, the essay competition contact (as indicated on Casa Africa's website) is: Dr. Sjarlene Thom, Department of Ancient Studies, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1, Matieland, 7602, South Africa. Telephone: +27 (021) 808-3480 +27 (021) 808-3480 ; fax: +27 (021) 808-3480 +27 (021) 808-3480 ; e-mail:

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€4,000 Casa Africa Essay Competition on Culture and Environmental Development + writing contests